A Creative + Culinary Affair

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Music From Almost Yesterday Music From Almost Yesterday

Music From Almost Yesterday

$20 Suggested Donation

Josh Schmidt, director 

Local percussionist Jason Rodon and friends curate an evening of BIFA- inspired contemporary music that take the audience on a journey through sound and image featuring multimedia composer Yehuda Yannay.

The concert celebrates the music of Jon Welstead and the late Yehuda Yannay, both great mentors and influences to Rodon and artistic director Josh Schmidt. Featuring surreal acoustic and electronic sonic landscapes intermingling with each other in pieces like Im Silberwald, Coloring Book for the Harpist and All in a Whisper, this concert will premiere the last ever piece of Yannay’s, The Janus Effect, dedicated to Jason Rodon.


Jon Welstead: All In A Whisper 

Dale Kaminski, image artist, generation + projection


Yehuda Yannay Coloring Book for the Harpist 

Janet Harrieman, harp 

Dale Kaminiski, image artist, generation + projection 

Yehuda Yannay The Janus Effect  

World Premier 

Jason Rodon, percussion 

Janet Harrieman, harp 

Elizabeth TBD, alto flute

Dave Arato, cello

*Completed posthumously by Josh Schmidt


Yehuda Yannay Im Silberwald  

Joe Martin, trombone 

Josh Schmidt, iPad as interactive electronic instrument

Jon Welstead, Electronic drone realization 

Dale Kaminski, Image synthesis + projection  

Marie Mellott, image artist 

Aug 20, 2024 7:30pm, Tuesday
Doors @ 7:00pm