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Colorado River Rock Bridge

Public Art

Colorado River Rock Bridge

At Kayak Park, where Cucumber Creek intersects the Blue River on the Blue River Bikeway, northeast of the Breckenridge Recreation Center at 880 Airport Rd.
Steuart Bremner

An artful pedestrian bridge straddles Cucumber Creek just before the small tributary meets up with the Blue River, commissioned as part of an effort called “bridge as art” to provide easy passage for kayakers enjoying Breckenridge’s 1800-foot whitewater park. Hewn of wood and steel, the bridge by Steuart Bremner bears an inverted arch of river stones at its apex, each representing a tributary of the Colorado River—among them the Blue. An intensely place-based piece, it reminds us of our river’s role in the West’s grand watershed, and thus how we, too, are linked.

Commissioned by the Town of Breckenridge.


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